Apraxia Of Speech In Adults - Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Apraxia is a neurological condition, where a person is unable to do a task intentionally, even though they do not have any muscle weakness or incoordination. Apraxia is caused due to damage in the areas of the brain that are responsible for motor planning and motor execution. Because of this, people with Apraxia find it difficult to perform a task when instructed.  

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Understanding and Mastering English Vowel Sounds

As a speech-language pathologist (SLP) at Well Said, I’ve had the privilege of working with many individuals who are navigating the journey of accent modification. Whether you’re learning English as a second language and are new to Canada, refining your pronunciation for professional reasons, or simply wanting to feel more confident in your speech, I want to start by saying this (as I say to all accent clients): No one should ever feel ashamed of their accent (every has one after all, no matter your linguistic background).

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