Transitioning Back To the Workplace

We were challenged to adjust to a virtual world and through that had to learn new strategies and develop communication skills appropriate for virtual responsibilities and expectations. Learning how to balance communication skills for both virtual and in-person interactions can be a skill in itself.

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The Effects Of COVID-19 On Speech And Communication

COVID-19 affects speech, language and communication skills. Illness, isolation, changes in lifestyle, like lockdowns, working remotely, not interacting with people (due to fear of contracting the disease) and not attending social gatherings have led to difficulties in social communication. Attending speech and language therapy would result in improved speech, language and communication skills and a better lifestyle.

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Dyslexia In Adults - Causes, Types, and Symptoms

Dyslexia is described as a difficulty to read words and numbers and associate them with the speech sounds. The ability to read alphabet sequences to read a word is called phoneme grapheme correspondence. For a person with dyslexia, the phoneme-grapheme correspondence is usually affected. This is one of the reasons that results in difficulties in reading and writing.

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Social Communication Therapy For Adults With ASD

I have had a lot of experience in working with children and adults on the Autism spectrum over the past few years, which has allowed me to see a variety of services available in the GTA. An unfortunate gap in services that I have noticed is concerning the adult population with ASD, as most of the adults I’ve worked with in this context have wanted support for social communication.

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