Posts tagged voice therapy
Preparing For Presentations

Presenting to others is something that we must often do, whether that is in-person or virtual. Many people consider a presentation to involve a large audience and a PowerPoint, but this does not always have to be the case. Even a meeting to 5 people about a recent project’s progress can cause similar levels of nervousness.

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Why Does My Voice Keep Cracking?

Undesirable vocal behavior can occur for various reasons, and within my practice I have found that understanding the cause is always integral to finding the solution. If you struggle with a voice that is unreliable and cracks without warning, keep reading to learn some of the possible explanations, as well as strategies to develop a stronger, more consistent voice.

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Testosterone (T) And Gender Voice Modification

Some people who are transgender/nonbinary use testosterone in order to change elements of their gender presentation. On occasion, someone who has been on testosterone for many years continues to be misgendered due to their vocal presentation. Why does this happen? Is there a way to make sure your voice changes with testosterone? How does vocal change occur, and why doesn’t it happen for all people?

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