Help yourself by playing an active role in goal-setting.
Read MoreIf you often receive feedback that you are “short”, “blunt”, “intimidating” or even “rude” it’s likely that you are someone who leans towards being an aggressive communicator. Let’s take a minute to breakdown what qualities of someone’s communication may lead them to come across as aggressive.
Read MoreSome people who are transgender/nonbinary use testosterone in order to change elements of their gender presentation. On occasion, someone who has been on testosterone for many years continues to be misgendered due to their vocal presentation. Why does this happen? Is there a way to make sure your voice changes with testosterone? How does vocal change occur, and why doesn’t it happen for all people?
Read MoreMuscle tension dysphonia can occur in both men and women and is usually caused by abuse or misuse of the voice. Muscles can become tight and this makes it difficult for the individual to use their voice efficiently.
Read MoreHere’s your update on what we’ve been doing recently behind the scenes.
Read MoreIf you are frequently finding yourself in awkward silences not knowing what to say next, these conversation tips are for you!
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