Muscle tension dysphonia can occur in both men and women and is usually caused by abuse or misuse of the voice. Muscles can become tight and this makes it difficult for the individual to use their voice efficiently.
Read MoreBeing misgendered can range from uncomfortable to unsafe. Correcting someone on the spot isn’t always an option. Here are some situation-specific tips for when it happens to you.
Read MoreOften I have a lot of clients telling me that they are having difficulties with the ‘L’ sound. So why is it so hard to say the ‘L’ in words in English such as ‘ball’, when you already have this sound in your language as well? The reason is because there are differences in how we pronounce the ‘L’ sound in English.
Read MoreFree yourself from the notion that your vocal characteristics are gendered. Imagine yourself, hear yourself, listen to yourself...
Read MoreCertain ways of attempting to sound more feminine are unsustainable, damaging to the vocal cords and/or simply will not lead to a passable feminine voice. Let’s explore some of the common mistakes and misunderstandings that can prevent someone from achieving a natural and sustainable feminine voice.
Read MoreYou may not be aware of what uptalk is but it refers to the rising intonation in the end of sentences. When uptalk is used continuously in someone's speech, it may seem as they are constantly asking questions when they may be wanting to make statements. But why is up talk even important to mention?
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